50 Singles Reveal Why They Split Up With The Person They Thought They'd Marry

50 Singles Reveal Why They Split Up With The Person They Thought They’d Marry

20. I’m pretty sure he lost his mind.

He was constantly accusing me of cheating, going through my phone and emails, jumping down my throat if I ran late at work. Calling my work when he found something he felt was incriminating to berate me and threaten to throw me out.

He took texts and emails he found between me and another guy, whom I was dating during a 9 month period where we’d broken up, and used that to berate me and call me a whore because even though we were BROKEN UP “we still meant something to each other and I shouldn’t have done it.”

He was so cruel. He’d put me down and make me cry, then mock me for it. Anytime I tried to defend myself he’d tell me he was the only thing standing between me and standing in line at the Salvation Army and to be careful how I spoke to him.

I was on my knees at one point, begging and crying for him not to leave me. I loved that man like a senseless fool.

Everything kind of blew up when I went to the beach for a day with a friend and he basically accused me of slutting my way up and down the coast.

It was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. I couldn’t do it anymore. I had reached the event horizon for my tolerance of emotional manipulation and abuse.

Huge argument ensued, we broke up. I got home and he’d already packed my shit and I left right then.

I was homeless for a bit, but I had my dignity and self respect back.

21. She cheated on me. Though, going through that made me learn a lot about myself and readjust my standards. So in an odd way, I’m thankful that happened.

22. He’s an absolutely wonderful dude. He just thought I was a different person than I really am. He and I met during a very stressful point of my life, and he thought that if I quit doing all the things that made me “me,” like volunteering, being a workaholic, helping my family, I’d be perfect. In the end, when the crazy subsided, I landed a job that makes me the happiest ever, via the volunteering I was doing, and my family stabilized and isn’t quite as crazy as before.

We’re both married to other people now, and thanks to social media I can see that he chose well, and is super happy. I’m happy here, and honestly, I’m really grateful for the way it all worked out. Nothing wrong at all with him, and he deserves all the goodness in life he has.

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