50 Singles Reveal Why They Split Up With The Person They Thought They'd Marry

50 Singles Reveal Why They Split Up With The Person They Thought They’d Marry

18. Every time we fought she would throw her engagement ring somewhere, make me get it, then make me plead with her to put it back on. Even for very small disagreements and even in public. That was the final straw. It was very fucked up feeling begging somebody to be with me all the time. It gave he huge insecurity issues.

That was on top of the fact she began to call me names and hit me a lot. It all started after we got engaged for some reason. Things were so perfect but as soon as she got that ring everything changed. Suddenly she what I mentioned along with calling me a loser, piece of shit, and ugly a lot.

19. It was too soon to say whether we’d get married, but I was hoping it would turn out that way. He moved for a job, and didn’t commit to doing some of the most basic long distance relationship things. It’s terrible to have to break up with someone you want to love because they don’t have the decency to break up with you themselves.

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