50 Singles Reveal Why They Split Up With The Person They Thought They'd Marry

50 Singles Reveal Why They Split Up With The Person They Thought They’d Marry

30. Our relationship was 90/10. I would do everything. Take care of everything. Pay for everything. Always be the first one to message, or call or suggest plans.

She put hardly any effort into us at all and I know i deserve more than that.

31. We had an intense attraction to each other but there were 2 reasons I had to walk away– First is he was very jealous and controlling. I couldn’t say hi to someone in passing without getting grilled about who he was, how I knew him, was I talking to him secretly, did I wish I was dating him, etc.

Second our ambitions didn’t match up. I wanted more out of life than he did. I wanted the professional degree and he wanted to work on cars. There is nothing wrong with that at all but our paths to our preferred destinations took us in very different directions.

I still think if him and wonder but have been happily married for more than 25 years.

32. She became very dependent on me. She didn’t have many friends, nor any opportunities to go out and make any. She didn’t have drive to do anything rather just sit at home and do nothing. No motivation to play any sports or get a job. This sabotaged my life as I’d always be spending time and money on her because she couldn’t afford anything herself. She ended being an emotional toll as she had mental issues and I thought leaving her would just make it worse. But I’m so glad I left. It lifted a weight off my shoulders and allowed me to achieve a lot more than I was when I was with her

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