50 Singles Reveal Why They Split Up With The Person They Thought They'd Marry

50 Singles Reveal Why They Split Up With The Person They Thought They’d Marry

23. We figured out that while we love each other, we don’t like each other as much as we used to. We were becoming less and less close (physically and emotionally) and even getting lost in our travel-adventures could only keep us together for so long. Oddly, she could be one of those sweetest most thoughtful people you’ll ever meet, but could flip a switch at the silliest times. Real mind fuck.

Breaking it off (after 6 years) was one the most adult, and most painful things I’ve ever done in my life. I made 5 women cry that day, her, our moms and my sisters (I also cried like a girl.) I half-joke that I may end up just dying alone to avoid a mess like that again.

24. She cheated on me. Multiple times. On her trip to Europe. Which she is still on. I saw the Facebook messages on the computer where she was still logged in. Then she lied when I called her on it. This all happened about 4 hours ago. I’m at a bit of a loss… I was planning our engagement. I’m glad it happened now I guess. Very rough though.

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