27 Men Describe The Moment They Realized Their Girlfriend Just Might Be A Moron

“My ex couldn't open a door with a key. Her parents would always keep their back door unlocked because she couldn't figure out how to open a locked door even if she had the key."


27. She couldn’t open a door with a key.

“My ex couldn’t open a door with a key. Her parents would always keep their back door unlocked because she couldn’t figure out how to open a locked door even if she had the key. She would turn the key, open the door and then be unable to take the key out of the lock until someone helped her. If they locked the back door she would either not be able to get into her house or would leave the key in the door until someone else came home. It may have been the funniest most idiotic thing I’ve witnessed.”

satchmoto Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Read This: 27 Women Describe The Moment They Realized Their Boyfriend Just Might Be A Moron

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