27 Men Describe The Moment They Realized Their Girlfriend Just Might Be A Moron

“My ex couldn't open a door with a key. Her parents would always keep their back door unlocked because she couldn't figure out how to open a locked door even if she had the key."


17. She didn’t know how to plunge a toilet.

“My wife did not know how to plunge a toilet. The first few times I was over at her place and her toilet was clogged when I entered the restroom I figured “hey, it happens, I’ll just plunge it on the dl and save her the embarrassment.” After a couple of years and countless low-key plunges we had to sit down and talk about checking the bowl, proper plunging technique, all that jazz. It’s much better now but for a while it was this weird little secret that only I knew.

Edit: my most popular comment is about my wife’s dookies. Love you babe. Sorry babe. For those who asked, she’s tiny – maybe 110 lbs. She works out and eats regularly and healthily, but for whatever reason she just takes very wide, very big dumps. Also I’m learning a lot about toilets from other parts of the world!”


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