50+ Creepy Real Life Incidents That Are Straight Out Of ‘The X-Files’


“I had a scary experience when I was a kid, I was 8 and fast asleep in bed I suddenly woke up to my dog (who was also in the room) barking and viciously growing at the corner of the room, id never seen him or heard him like this he was a cool as a cucumber laid back pet he didn’t have a nasty bone in his body so it instantly freaked me out. it was dark I couldn’t see anything there, my eyes started adapting to the light and I could see him snarling n barking the hairs on his back were standing on end but there was nothing there that I could see. My mum came rushing in and turned the light on there was nothing there she tried calming him down and moving him away from the corner but he kept going back, she ended taking him out of the room made sure I was ok then shut the door, I kept the lamp on I was shit scared at this point then a few minutes later benji was back at my door crying and scratching to get in, he’d been our family pet since I was born and he’d never done this before either, I let him in and got him on the bed with me, he sat on the end of the bed all night ears pricked staring at the same corner of the room, it never happened again nothing like that ever happened again but that night damaged me mentally because even now at 34 years old when I sleep alone I can’t go to sleep without the tv being on.”

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