50+ Creepy Real Life Incidents That Are Straight Out Of ‘The X-Files’


“I was working production for a TV show and was way overworked, like 14-16 hour days with no days off between. I had handed off a pair of prop glasses ( face glasses, not cups) to my assistant in the studio and never saw nor thought about the prop glasses after that.

I drag myself home and crawl in for my like four hours of sleep, and fall asleep. About an hour after I fell asleep, a different co-worker called me because the prop glasses didn’t make it to the studio. I answered the phone in real life, but I didn’t wake up and instead, kept dreaming while talking on the phone. As soon as I pick up, before he says anything, I say (in real life, but in a dream to me) “you’re calling about the glasses. Hang on a second, I’m going to go look for them” and from his standpoint, I’m quiet for about a min.

On my end, it seems like I’ve just popped into the empty work studio. Because in my dream I’m thinking “this is a dream so I can just pop to the studio and look for them” (I’m usually a lucid dreamer). The lights are on but there are more shadows than there should be and whenever I try to touch something, my hand goes right through like a ghost. I’m looking around the studio and I see the prop glasses under a roll of leather, mostly hidden from view.

I go back to the phone and say “ok, I just looked, they’re on the back fabric cutting table under a roll of leather”. He has no idea that I’m not awake, that I’m dreaming the whole thing, and drives back to the studio, where he finds the glasses exactly where I said they’d be.

I’d chalk it up to subconscious, but after I passed the glasses off to the assistant, I went out shopping for supplies and hadn’t gone in the room the glasses were at all, so there’s no way I could have just seen them there or seen where the assistant put them, because after I handed them to her, I was never in the same room as the glasses.

Weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me.”

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