50+ Creepy Real Life Incidents That Are Straight Out Of ‘The X-Files’


“When I was a freshman in high school I was up early to get ready for school. My brothers slept till 730 but I was dressed by 7:15 or something. Call it me trying wayyy to hard. We live in the middle of no where, on my family farm. My neighbor is my grandma and the other my aunt. Each a good half mile apart.

I was putting on my make up, the sun was up and I was 100% awake. I saw something outside my window. One of the blinds had been tilted so you could see out even with the blinds pulled. I thought it was our cat so I peeked out the blinds to be sure, I was going to pull the blinds open and scare it, but when I peeked out I saw a boy. He had blond hair, wore a white long sleeved shirt like some under shirt from the 18th century and tan pants. I watched him look toward the sun, look left then over his shoulder. At that point I got mad. I thought this kid couldn’t be more than 12 or 13 and here he was trying to peek in on me.

I stomped out side ready to grab this little shit by his ear and find out who he was and what he was doing. I get out side and he’s gone. There’s not many places he could hide but there weren’t any foot prints in the dew covered grass. I started to think about it and the kid wasn’t tall enough to reach the crooked blind and there wasn’t anything for him to stand on. I quickly went around the well house, and tried look for foot prints anywhere but saw no trace of the boy.

I went in the house and back to my room and passed my brothers room and saw they were both still asleep. They both have dark brown almost black hair.

It’s been almost 20 years since that happened but I’ll never forget that kid. I also can’t remember his eyes when I tried to picture them. So in my memory his eyes are black. I do remember how he stood slightly crouched, his clothes, his hair, even how he turned but never his eyes….”

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