50+ Creepy Real Life Incidents That Are Straight Out Of ‘The X-Files’


“5 friends and I we’re playing flashlight tag/hide and seek and his huge farm. Across the pond, he has nothing but forest. We’re all playing, and two of us (my friend and I) have these sweet walkie talkies. Both of us, plus another were afraid to go into the forest, but the 3 of us decided to go in since we could hide forever in there. We go in, and split up. Me by myself, and the two others together. With the walkie talkies, we were talking for maybe 30 minutes back and forth, pretty stoked about our hiding spots. I even went up a tree and bit and found the perfect little nook to just chill in. About another 20 minutes goes by and I haven’t heard from them. I walkie in, and nothing. Ok, maybe he didn’t hear it. I walkie again. This time, I get a beep back. It stayed live for about 5 seconds. Are these things working? I tried again, and this time, I heard a distinct breathing. Alright well they have to be messing with me. Even so, it was freaking me out. I hop out of the tree and start heading back towards the house. As soon as I get down, I start hearing a howling. I thought it was coyotes but there was something off about it. It sounded just like someone in the distance howling, like a coyote. I was starting to get really freaked out by this point so I high tail it back towards the house. I kept hearing the howling and could swear it was getting closer. I picked up pace and started running towards the edge of the tree line. As soon as I crossed it, the walkie sounded again and there was a cackle. Like, Witch cackle. I have never ran faster up to the house. Once I was back up, I met up with one of the friends who were “seeking” and told them about it. “Dude ___ and ____ are still out there, they definitively freaked me out.” He goes “uhh they’re back here, they said they lost track of you and just came back thinking you already came back.” Turns out, they came back but lost the walkie coming back. So, something found the walkie. Or I was just hearing things.”

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