50+ Creepy Real Life Incidents That Are Straight Out Of ‘The X-Files’


“Driving south down a back road parallel to a bunch of farm fields that end about 3 or 4 miles at a heavy pine treeline and the road curves hard to the left (east). It was about 8pm when I was on my way home from work so the sun was setting to my right (west); I was probably listening to music just zoning out waiting to get home when just past the treeline I saw this smallish orange ball of light(?) rise up from behind the trees pretty slowly and came to a hover about 1 or 2 finger thicknesses above the tree tops from where I was. INSTANTLY I’m thinking this isn’t the sun because when I looked to my right the sun was setting. Now my eyes are fucking glued to this thing and the whole time I’m hoping my car isn’t going to mysteriously shut down either but while I’m thinking that this orange ball is getting bigger and turning yellow while another smaller ball of orange light starts rising up next to the first one and the second begins to get bigger and turn yellow as well. I can’t fucking believe what I’m seeing and don’t think anyone else will either all the while trying to make sense of it. These two yellow balls of what I assume are light are now hovering above the treeline that I’m heading reluctantly toward but once the second had matched the first in shape size and hovering height they both just seemed to move south as they got smaller and smaller until I couldn’t see them past the horizon. There was no sound that I could hear from it/them either. Military VTOL or otherwise I still really want to know what it is. I personally think it was something(s) hovering up to takeoff level (being in a forest that’s really the only way) and the color plus size change was the engines warming up before it/they finally left.”

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