50+ Creepy Real Life Incidents That Are Straight Out Of ‘The X-Files’


“Not nearly as terrifying, but I shared a dream with my wife once. I dreamt that I was in a basement with a friend from work. He and I were talking and he led me through the door into a room where there was a table. On this table were three of my childhood cats. One was mostly white with spots of black and long hair. Another was mostly black with spots of white with short hair. The third was a long haired tabby. I walked up to them and pet the long haired tabby cat. The mostly white with black spots was named Annabel. The mostly black with white spots was named Sylvester. The long haired tabby was named Garth.

Later my wife woke up and said she dreamt of me. She dreamt that I was in a room with a table that had three cats on there. One cat was mostly white with spots of black and had long hair. The second was mostly black with spots of white with short hair. The third was a long haired tabby cat. She said in the dream I walked up to the tabby cat and started petting it.

I did not speak a word of this dream to her. As a matter of fact, she woke up and immediately told me before I even said a word to her. Freaked me the hell out and I still can’t explain it to this day.”

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