50+ Creepy Real Life Incidents That Are Straight Out Of ‘The X-Files’


“I was driving back from a 16 hour road trip to see family and I was about an hour from home. The whole trip was just 4 days long, so I was pretty sleep deprived and had been driving by myself with very few stops.

I was cruising on the highway and in front of me was a tunnel through the mountains. I hadn’t driven through a tunnel on the way out of the state, so I became alarmed I had been driving the wrong way. I checked my gps but had no signal on my phone. Unusual, the whole trip i normally have signal.

I immediately took the exit before the tunnel to get my bearings. It was a big circle exit and at the end was a 4 way stop with a flashing traffic light. I took a left and the only thing around was a small 50s style diner and a parking lot. All the lights were off in the diner, obviously closed, but the parking lot was FULL of cars. Like, packed. There were old classic cars and new cars but there was not a single soul to be seen. It was around 3am, so I didn’t expect a crowd, but there wasn’t a hotel or homes nearby.

Just a closed diner and parking lot full of cars.

I didn’t even slow down. I fucking noped out of there so hard. Pulled a uey in the street and drove back to the on ramp to the highway.

Once I was back on the highway I drove for about 30 minutes until the gps came back. I was actually pretty close to home.

My friend and I once drove back to try and find the diner but we never could find it… or the tunnel.

I like to think that if I would’ve pulled into the parking lot my car might’ve been added to the collection and no one wouldve seen me again.”

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