50+ Creepy Real Life Incidents That Are Straight Out Of ‘The X-Files’


“Oh okay. This one scarred me for a couple of months.

When I was in high school, a guy and I got into an argument, he socked me in the jaw, and started to fall to the floor. When I hit the floor, I instantly transported to a dinner table at which I was an adult. There was a woman sitting across from me, with a toddler boy and a preteen girl. I got a good look of my surroundings; a relatively modern house, with what looked like two floors. I felt like I belonged here, like I had some sort of emotional connection with all the people in the room (especially the kids). Then, the woman (my wife?) asked me a question. When I opened my mouth, I threw up all over the table and woke up in a stretcher in an ambulance.

Hours later, I found out I just had a minor concussion. For a while, i felt like I left a part of my life behind; even if it was only for a bleak moment in that world. To this day, I can still clearly remember all their faces and what the house looked like.”

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