50+ Creepy Real Life Incidents That Are Straight Out Of ‘The X-Files’


“I had a job as a security guard in a hundred plus year old building. A cop had been shot to death on the stairs 60 years ago, and the stairs are about 6 feet from my watch desk in the center of the middle floor of this building.

We were open until midnight each night, and usually no one came in, but the staff sometimes worked late. So when I heard someone walking down the stairs (HUGE wooden stair well that terraces and splits to go up another level) I didn’t really think anything of it.

The footsteps stop at my desk, so I close my shift report and look up. Nothing. No one, no thing, no change, nada….

I thought I was hallucinating due to lack of sleep, so I played along with my delirium. I went back to filling out my report. On a lark I said ” I have no idea what you looking to do, but were both stuck here. If you don’t mind, I have a report to fill out, please excuse me.”

About ten seconds later, the steps started away from me going back up the stairs. I was terrified, way to scared to actually look back up.

But after that, I never had another issue in the building. Weird.

Was I freaking out, or did I crack up a 60 year dead cop ghost? Who knows, really….”

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