49 Real Nurses Share The Terrifying Hospital Ghost Stories That Scared Them To Death

31. “Those Things Can’t Be Explained”

I work midnights in a long term care facility as a nurse’s assistant. I have two men under my care and both of them are unable to use their call lights.

They have severe dementia and debilitating Parkinson’s disease but still their lights are looped around their bed rail. One night their light came on and I went to answer it already confused and creeped out. I turned it off and left the room. Before I could get two doors up the light came back on. I went in there and both lights were unplugged from the wall and thrown under their beds. I fished them out, plugged them back in and left.

I’ve seen shadows standing over the dying and felt a tap on my shoulder while doing chest compressions so I knew that lady had passed.

I’m not a believer but some of those things can’t be explained.

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