49 Real Nurses Share The Terrifying Hospital Ghost Stories That Scared Them To Death

2. Like The Dead Are Leaving The Hospital

I work in intensive care a small community hospital. We have a 9 bed unit that is completely closed off from the medical floor via two doorways. Two nights ago, we were all sitting at our the station, charting, when we all heard footsteps coming down the hall. Its a completely open unit where you can see every room from everywhere. No one was in the unit with us. CT is below us and they close at 5 (unless and emergency comes in) and we only have people on the second floor, the third is used as storage, so no one was above us. It happened two or three times.

Then last night cupboard doors kept opening and shutting in the two empty rooms. I finally asked my coworker WTF was going on and she just told me that it usually happens after someone passes, especially if it was sudden. We had two codes last week that we lost and I guess everyone has had weird stuff happening for a couple days.

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