49 Real Nurses Share The Terrifying Hospital Ghost Stories That Scared Them To Death

18. “Maggie”

A couple, retired military captain and his wife, Margaret, sold their house to move to Florida. It so happens that they sold their house to the State – the state was going to use it as a resident home for mentally disabled teens.

After the closing, but before they moved, Margaret died in the house. The Captain had to move cause the house was already sold.

Do you know where I’m going with this??

Residents always referred to ‘old lady’ that they always saw. Nursing staff just referred to her as ‘Maggie’.

Now, late at night, when the residents were asleep, if the staff put the TV on more adult programming, like ‘Red Shoe Diaries’, etc., the TV would turn off, and when turned back on, would come on on a different channel.

There was this one nurse, it was like the house was out to get her. She’d swear that ‘the carpet tripped me’. When cupboards opened, knives would fall out aimed at her. Turns out this nurse was eventually fired for abusing and stealing from the residents.

Maggie takes care of her ‘children’.

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