Here’s What 18 Killer’s Last Meal On Death Row Looked Like

Westley Allan Dodd


Westley Allan Dodd, also know as The Vancouver Child Killer, was a child molester and murderer in the Pacific Northwest. With over 50 victims of molestation and increasingly violent fantasies involving consuming parts of and experimenting on his victims, according to psychologists Dodd was a classic sexual psychopath. In the fall of 1989 Dodd lured 11-and 10-year-old brothers Cole and William Neer to a secluded area where he tied them to a tree, assaulted them, and then stabbed them both repeatedly. Cole was found dead at the scene and William died en route to the hospital. After moving to Portland shortly after, Dodd kidnapped 4-year-old Lee Iseli and brought the child back to his apartment. He brutalized and assaulted Lee overnight, all the while detailing the crimes in his diary and taking photographs. He strangled Lee the next morning and left his body hanging in a closet. After failing to abduct another child just weeks later, Dodd was arrested and convicted of all three murders. He requested that he be executed by hanging in 1993, and was the first hanging in the state of Washington since 1965.

For his last meal, Dodd was served salmon and potatoes.

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