Here’s What 18 Killer’s Last Meal On Death Row Looked Like

Ignacio Cuevas

Quinn Dombrowski
Quinn Dombrowski

Ignacio Cuevas was one of the prisoners responsible for the 1974 Huntsville Prion Siege. Working with Federico “Fred” Gomez Carrasco, one of the most powerful heroin king pins in south Texas, Cuevas and third inmate held 11 prison workers and 4 inmates hostage with smuggled pistols and ammunition. During the 11-day stand off, the convicts requested items like dress suits, helmets, new shoes, walkie-talkies, and eventually an armored getaway car. They were allegedly going to flee to Cuba and appeal to Fidel Castro. Upon making their way with two hostages to the car, prison guards and Texas Rangers blasted them with firehoses. A rupture in one of the hoses lead to enough time for the convicts to kill the two hostages. The third convict was shot, Carrasco committed suicide, and Cuevas survived. Cuevas was sentenced to death for his participation, and was executed in 1991.

For his last meal, Cuevas requested chicken and dumplings, steamed rice, sliced bread, black-eyed peas, and iced tea.

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