10 Incredibly Upsetting Disappearances That Remain Unsolved To This Day

Raoul Wallenberg

Last seen January 17th, 1945


Raoul Wallenberg was a Swedish architect who is widely celebrated for his efforts to save thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. Raoul would issue passports and help hide Jewish families in various buildings around Sweden to keep them safe from the Nazis during World War II.

In 1945 Raoul was in the midst of a mission to get as many remaining Hungarian Jews as he could out of Budapest. The passports he was issuing them were not legal but would ideally ensure they were treated as Swedish citizens. Raoul would rent over 30 buildings around Budapest and claimed they were “extraterritorial” therefore falling under diplomatic immunity, and used them as safe houses.

On January 17th of that same year Soviet leader Rodion Malinovsky called Raoul to his headquarters in order to investigate whether or not he was involved in espionage. Raoul’s last message was, “I’m going to Malinovsky’s … whether as a guest or prisoner I do not know yet.” He would never be formally heard from again. He reportedly died in prison.

Nothing definitive about Raoul’s disappearance and presumed death have ever been given. Despite this, he continues to be honored for his humanitarianism and efforts during the Holocaust.

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