10 Incredibly Upsetting Disappearances That Remain Unsolved To This Day

Malaysian Airlines Flight 370

Last seen March 8, 2014


On March 8, 2014 Flight 370 took off from Kuala Lumpur towards Beijing carrying 239 passengers. At 01:19:30 the last contact would be made with the flight and it would never be seen or heard from again. Malaysia Airlines issued a media statement at 07:24, one hour after flight should have arrived in Beijing, admitting that contact with the flight had been lost and that the government would be implementing search-and-rescue operations.

None of the crew on Flight 370 nor the aircraft’s communication systems relayed a distress signal, any indications of bad weather, or technical problems with the plane before it completely vanished.

There have been several inconclusive reported sightings of an aircraft that fits the description of the missing plane. On March 19th of the same year, CNN reported that witnesses, including fishermen, and an oil rig worker saw the missing airliner. Some claimed to have seen the actual crash happen and a British woman said she saw the airline on fire.

Nothing conclusive has ever been found.

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