Employees Gone Wild: 40 Insane Things Workers Did That Got Them Fired

40. She was 6’7” and sexually harassed male employees by bragging that she had sex with dogs.

“I worked at an amusement park with over 200 employees working under me and I can give you so many examples. But one takes the cake.

It was a sexual harassment case, but like nothing you’ve seen. It was a guy accusing a girl, she was about 6’7″ and the size of Andre the Giant, looked like him too. Both were employees. In the end two guys accused her but at first there was only one.

He claimed she had been talking about having sex with him and saying super inappropriate shit to him despite him saying no. Well this kept happening and today she went too far and he had to stop it. Now for documentation and for talking to her it helps if we know as many details as possible so we asked him for more details if he was comfortable with sharing. He wasn’t at first but then decided to tell us.

She started off with her usual, said something along the lines of ‘I’m gonna fuck you real dirty.’ He asks her to stop, she then continues on with something like ‘Do you know how dirty I am?’ He said asks her to stop.

They she says it, ‘I’ve fucked my dog.’ Just straight face, drops that interesting tidbit. The guy said he went and threw up.

We interviewed two others, both had similar crazy shit they had overheard or been told, one had also been told about the dog. When we interviewed the girl, she didn’t deny anything and just left. Next day someone found her Twitter bio said Dog Physical Therapist. If you’d known her or seen her, she definitely is not any sort of physical therapist. The whole thing still haunts me.”

Thehusseler Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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