Employees Gone Wild: 40 Insane Things Workers Did That Got Them Fired

34. He tried selling crack to another employee, saying it’s a ‘natural’ high.

“Had an employee offer crack to another employee at a ‘really good rate’ per gram and then proceed to tell him all about the health benefits and how it was a ‘natural’ high.

We investigated. Turns out this wasn’t the first time he offered.”


35. He loudly called a customer a Jew, insinuating they were cheap.

“I wasn’t the manager at the time, but I witnessed a good one. After a customer left the store, my coworker loudly called them a Jew, insinuating that they were cheap (they didn’t go for her up-sell). It was her second day. Fired on the spot.”


36. The delivery boy answered his personal cell phone with ‘Tony’s Abortion Clinic. You make ’em, we scrape ‘em’ in front of customers and our very religious boss.

“Not the manager, just witnessed the firing.

The delivery boy answered his personal cell phone with ‘Tony’s Abortion Clinic. You make ’em, we scrape ‘em’ in front of customers and our very religious boss. It went over well /s.”


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