Employees Gone Wild: 40 Insane Things Workers Did That Got Them Fired

32. He started pumping iron at his desk with a Rambo knife held between his teeth.

“Dotcom boom, maybe 1999? tech startup, hustlin’ pixels. massive expansion, basically hiring anyone on the spot. unsure how this wanker made it through, because he was A Man of Many Red Flags, but he shows up for his 2nd day in overalls (most people were snappily dressed). sits down, unpacks his rather large duffel, pulls out a legit Rambo knife and two huge dumbbells.

Proceeds to start workin’ his biceps at his desk, with the knife in his teeth.

Cops escorted him out…”


33. She called in sick, then posted pics on social media of herself at a pool.

“Had a girl call in and say she was terribly sick. She’s friends with me and the other two bosses on social media. An hour after calling out she posts pics of herself at a local pool. Smh. Don’t post that shit if your boss can see it!”


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