Employees Gone Wild: 40 Insane Things Workers Did That Got Them Fired

30. He smacked his girlfriend while on break.

“I hired a new server and a few hours into his shift he took a break. I get a phone call from the owner of the motel across the street a few minutes later. He apparently got into an argument with his GF and smacked her, the motel owner saw this and confronted him and he pointed at his car and said he had a machete in there and if she didn’t mind her business he would cut her head off with it. Needless to say he was fired on the spot.

The next day the convenience store across the street hired him. My wife was walking by and he threatened her in front of his new coworkers, we know the owners well, called them, and he was again fired on the spot. Thankfully we never saw the psycho again.”


31. He showed up to his first day of work absolutely high as a kite and wearing no shirt.

“I worked at a computer repair shop. This dude showed up to his first day of work absolutely high as a kite and wearing no shirt. He had no explanation for why he didn’t have a shirt.

I told him to go home and not to come back. I wasn’t even technically a manager, I was just the only one working that day besides him. So technically I didn’t have the authority to fire him, but damned if I didn’t do it anyway.

My theory is he thought his shirt smelled like weed so he threw it away on the way in.”


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