Employees Gone Wild: 40 Insane Things Workers Did That Got Them Fired

The client is furious about this and says we’re a cowboy of an operation for sending someone like this and to fly someone up the next day to finish the job. That night we have a conference call with the client stating that were no longer going to be working for them due to this issue, costing our company roughly $1 mill from the loss of the contract.

We bring him the day after he fly’s back to ask about his actions, I’m suppose to head this up and get his side of the story except before we even get into really discussing things my director asks ‘If we are to drug test you today would you fail?’ he answers ‘yes’ and he was told he’s being terminated instantly, he starts yelling at the top of his lungs and blaming his actions on everyone else. I told him he needs to leave straight away or police will get called. He does, he leaves then for the next month our admin receive emails about how i’m terrible at my job and i should be fired for not listening to his problems (which he had never spoken to me about).

So yeah that was the day I fired my brother and found out he was addicted to meth.”


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