Employees Gone Wild: 40 Insane Things Workers Did That Got Them Fired

16. I had to fire a tech on her first day for drinking vodka in the employee bathroom at 9 AM.

“Physician office. I had to fire a tech on her first day for drinking vodka in the employee bathroom at 9 AM. I think she had a problem.

She reeked of alcohol and actually threw the empty in the trash!

I understand alcoholism and live with a sober alcoholic wife (11 years clean). My wife actually took her to a few meetings as the two-hour employee didn’t have a valid driver’s license.”


17. I fired my brother after finding out he lost us a $1 million contract because of his meth addiction.

“I had to send a guy to a remote gas/petroleum refinery site for an inspection, previously he had been reliable on most occasions.

However on this occasion he never showed up for the pre-drug/alcohol test the day before he had to fly out and gave me a long winded excuse basically blaming his car troubles. At this point I would have gone myself to site however I was just back from a bone graft to my collarbone so I wasn’t going anywhere. The director made the final decision to send him anyway against my recommendations.

We flew him to site to do his onsite induction, where he would do the D&A test anyway. Part way through his induction he got up and left…. I call him that night but never got an answer, so I checked with his accommodation and the hotel claimed he had checked in within the last 1/2 hr. I was just glad nothing major had happened. Next morning i speak to the client and the client informs me that the staff member apologized for leaving abruptly and had to rush of and deal with some personal issues. I don’t press it any longer, two hours goes by and I get a call from the client stating that they’ve kicked him off site because they’ve found him asleep on site and when they woke his he became extremely aggressive.

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