Basically A Stranger: 16 Men And Women From Arranged Marriages Share The Truth About Sex On Their Wedding Night


“Male Muslim here. Sorry for wall of text, married less than a week ago and want to share.

I guess it was technically “arranged” but not really. It was a rainy day when my family and I went to go meet my now waifu and family-in-law. It wasn’t the bad kind of rainy though, the drizzle was light, the air was crisp and even though there were clouds everywhere it felt kind of bright. When we were welcomed in and settled there were a few silly little things I noticed that actually perked me up a little. A Nintendo DS on their TV stand, books like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Redwall in the shelves, a DuckTales dvd sitting on top of the player, the smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies wafting from the kitchen. Of course this didn’t necessarily mean anything as the items could have belonged to anyone else in the home but they were all things that spoke to me and unfortunately they are things that many Muslims I met never seem to be into. If they weren’t things that the girl I was about to meet was into then at least there was someone in this place that I had a connection with.

We were seated for what couldn’t have been more than a minute or two before her mother got up to get some refreshments and I guess check on her. My mom got up to help but I’m pretty sure it was because there was a chance she could scope out my wife. In the middle of our idle chit-chat with her brother and father I overheard her being introduced to my mother in the kitchen, my heart rate immediately went up because I knew she was going to be out soon and then all eyes would be on us. My mom was the first one to appear with a tray of South Asian sweets, then her mom with some appetizers (Samosa’s and spring rolls if you’re wondering), and finally her with a plate of cookies. She was beautiful. I was surprised my jaw didn’t hit the floor when she walked through the door, I had to practically peel my eyes away from her.

Obviously I wanted to show that I am a good Muslim and tried not to look at her for longer than would be appropriate but I found myself looking at her every chance I could because she’s so beautiful. After being grilled a bit the conversation switches to her and I’m ecstatic because I get a break and I can stare at her. Then we start getting into hobbies, likes, dislikes, and personality traits. They ask what I like to do in my free time, my response is a little vague because “Lots of video games” isn’t something they likely wanted to hear but I do mention vidya games. Her mom groans that we would be a good match since she always has her face buried in her DS these days.

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