Basically A Stranger: 16 Men And Women From Arranged Marriages Share The Truth About Sex On Their Wedding Night


“I am a victim of arrange marriage. I used to live in US and my parents are in India. My parents arranged the marriage, they saw the girl, liked her and family so fixed the marriage. They told me after they did everything. She was beautiful and educated so I didn’t mind. I did talked to her on the phone multiple times before we got married but it wasn’t the same.

Fast forward first night after we got married, every time I wanted to touch her she moved away. I thought she is just scared. She was 4 years younger then me. So I didn’t try much. Next day she said she is virgin and scared. So I thought to wait it out. I waited for whole month as she said she will get intimate once she came to US to live with me.

She did come here after few days but left without even meeting me. Apparently she has premarital affair. That was the reason she didn’t let me touch her that way. After she went back she went MIA for three months. After that she emailed me to get divorced and asked lot of money from me.

So to answer your question I don’t know if actual sex was awkward but my whole arranged marriage was.”

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