Basically A Stranger: 16 Men And Women From Arranged Marriages Share The Truth About Sex On Their Wedding Night

God & Man


“I think a lot of people are misled by what an arranged marriage actually is. You aren’t arranged to marry someone and then you meet them on your wedding day, I mean I suppose that could happen, but it would be extremely rare. The point of an arranged marriage is to create a relationship that benefits both families. It’s in everyone’s interest that the two being wed have time to get to know each growing up so they can become comfortable with each other. When I hear people talk about arranged marriages I sometimes think they believe the bride is kidnapped and has a gun to her head until she’s married where she becomes a slave to the husband. Which is (most of the time) ridiculous.

I met my husband three months before my wedding. We went on a few dates before the wedding. How was the wedding night? Pretty nice.

Since we’d both come directly from the wedding, we needed to shower. He took a shower first, then I did. It was about 2 am before we finally got started.

It wasn’t awkward at all. A bit painful, but not really awkward. First orgasm came a few days later on a train in France for our honeymoon.

20 years later, we’ve got a house full of children to prove that the sex has been both enjoyable and plentiful.”

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