45 Men Share Their Horrifying “Psycho Ex” Stories

40. She grabbed my kitchen knife and tried to stab me in the stomach.

“Invited her over to break things off and she wasn’t too happy about it. But she was sleeping around with other dudes and always pushing off our scheduled plans. Broke it to her, grabbed my kitchen knife and tried to stab me in the stomach in which I deflected it with the knuckle of my index finger. Ripped the broken tip in my knuckle out and pinned her to the ground and proceeded to call her mother and the police. Stalked me for years after. Fuck that bitch.”


41. Had a girlfriend self-mutilate to make it look like I abused her.

“Had a girlfriend self-mutilate to make it look like I abused her, tried to overdose on sleeping pills, and said I raped her. I didn’t ever touch her, nor would I have EVER.

She came over and took my car keys so I couldn’t leave. She said that the only way I would get them back would be if I slapped her. I obviously said no and that she’s crazy. The idea would be that she would use the hit as a way to convict me.

The police reports and the officers she spoke to proved that she was lying. Her story changed each time, whereas mine was consistent. Her parents came over to move her stuff. They trashed my apartment and turned the heat to max.”


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