45 Men Share Their Horrifying “Psycho Ex” Stories

38. She pretended to have cancer.

“She pretended to have lupus, pretended to have cancer, faked being pregnant 3+ times including miscarriages, made up a story about her uncle raping her and her sister for years and murdering a little girl and that he killed himself in prison (he died in a motorcycle accident before she was even born), told her mom I ruined her birthday after I walked in on what I presumed was her kissing some dude.

All this in less than one year. I believed all of it up until she showed me one of the pregnancy tests after a lengthy discussion, it was a cotton ball in a coke bottle lid. I gave her the benefit of the doubt due to thinking she had cancer and I didn’t want to be that asshole.

I’d give a lot to have just been an asshole.

It was sweet sweet justice when I called her a cunt at a concert on the phone; her dad called me and I just unloaded it all to him. He said five words to me, “Holy shit, I’m so sorry.”

Fuck you Devon. I’m glad you are fat and unhappy.”


39. We had an argument at the airport so she stood up and started pointing at me and screaming that I was smuggling drugs.

“We had an argument at the airport so she stood up and started pointing at me and screaming that I was smuggling drugs. I hauled ass out of the terminal and she was following me and punching me in the back of head.

She would physically attack me in public whenever she got the slightest bit angry, often making me bleed. I would never strike her back but just try and hold her hands so she couldn’t keep hitting me. Not a single person ever tried to intervene.

She used to break a lot of my stuff as well; one time she smashed a 75-inch TV which cost over $5000.

Fun times.”


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