45 Men Share Their Horrifying “Psycho Ex” Stories

31. She and her family call Child Protective Sevices the next day with a bunch of lies about how my family was treating me.

“Was insecure 15 year old at the time dating a 14 year old. I know, not my best move. Was going to this girls house every day for 9 months and got super close to her and her family told them a bunch of really personal shit that even my family didn’t know. Had a ton of pressure from her parents for me and her to get married and we had only been dating 5 months. Was so insecure and terrified of losing her I would do anything they asked and borderline shunned my entire family because of it. Was so brainwashed I didn’t realize how fucking crazy she was until she told me I had to text her before I went anywhere and make sure she was okay with it and she was forcing me to get a tracker on my phone and an app that reported all my internet browsing to her phone. I finally had enough of my life getting run by this girl and her family that I got the confidence to end up dumping her over text. Not the best move but I had put up with so much of their shit I didn’t care. She and her family call Child Protective Sevices the next day with a bunch of lies about how my family was treating me and even offer to take me in. They show up and investigate my family for months causing us so many problems. Had a lot of depression after that and didn’t end up dating anyone for 3 years after.

Fuck that bitch and I’m glad I’ve found someone now who makes me happy and is relatively sane.”


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