45 Men Share Their Horrifying “Psycho Ex” Stories

3. She turned on me after I found out I was sterile.

“My ex wife turned on me after I found out I was sterile. When I came home with my diagnosis from the urologist, I went to hug her, she pushed me aside and said, “maybe we should just get a divorce”. From that point on, she would berate me about my condition. We would be watching a perp get arrested on the news and she’d say, ‘bet he’s got sperm’. We’d drive by a homeless guy and she’d say ‘bet he’s got sperm’. We tried a few treatments for my condition. Each time she’d say ‘if this doesn’t work we’ll get divorced’. There were other threats.

Then one day I decided that I would just go ahead and take care of that divorce on my own terms. I packed my car up and left. As I drove away it was like the sun started to shine again. Years later I married someone who loved me despite my condition.

Her psycho ex story: she told everyone that I ‘abandoned’ her out of the blue.”


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