45 Men Share Their Horrifying “Psycho Ex” Stories

26. She drove me all the way out to the most ghetto area imaginable and left me there.

“1. Tried to get pregnant by me without my knowledge or permission.

2. Got pregnant and was psycho bitch overdrive the whole pregnancy

3. Got mad at me one night and drove me all the way out to the most ghetto area imaginable and left me there (I am a smaller built white male)

4. Left me and the kid a week after he was born.

5. She was a lying cheating bitch and it turned out the kid wasn’t mine

6. She goes out and gets herself murdered (probably for being crazy like she was).

7. Bio daddy shows up after she’s dead, takes the kid and never let me see him again.

Basically this bitch and all her craziness really ruined a lot of shit for me. These were all small examples and somewhat of a timeline. She did some seriously physically abusive bat shit crazy shit to me over the 3 years we were together. I felt like I was in her little prison.”


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