45 Men Share Their Horrifying “Psycho Ex” Stories

17. She fractured my skull with the fat end of a pool cue.

“An ex locked me out of the flat we lived in one Friday night, I phoned her and found out she had gone to a wedding in Cornwall with a guy from the phone shop. I got the landlord to come with a spare key and let me in, the cat was locked in too. Anyway she got back when I was at work on Sunday night. I arrived home about 12. Got pissed of said a few things and went to leave. As I turned my back she fractured my skull with the fat end of a pool cue. Whilst unconscious she stamped all over my back in high heels breaking two ribs and puncturing my left lung.”


18. She threatened to kill herself if I didn’t stay on Skype with her until she was going to bed.

“She threatened to kill herself if I didn’t stay on Skype with her until she was going to bed, It was 1am for me and I had work 7am in the morning the following day, I just said I’m sorry but I can’t stay! she said “ok. I will probably find something to kill myself with when you sleep.” I just closed the Skype call and went to bed shaking and crying myself to sleep, I woke up some hours later and logged on my pc to find her offline, my heart dropped and I thought I she had gone and done it.

I come to work as a wreck just keeping silent about it all, just thinking that I contributed to ending someone’s life, but then I got home and she was online acting like nothing fucking happened. I was so fucking mad and she has done this several times when she was sad about some bullshit like her pet dying. I finally got her out of my life though, she is now sucking the life out of another poor soul.

I don’t exactly remember why she said she was going to kill herself, but I never said anything mean to her and it really fucked me up, I’m still afraid of getting serious with someone because they might start threatening with suicide if I break up with them or get in a fight with them over some silly shit. Fuck.”


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