27 Real Honeymoon Sex Stories From Men And Women Who Stayed Virgins Until Marriage


“My wife and I waited until marriage. It wasn’t at all awkward (for me). We got up to the hotel room, and our room had a jacuzzi. We were really nasty from our July wedding, and so we hopped in and were naked around each other for the first time. We cuddled in the tub for awhile, until moving to the shower to rinse off/fool around. Once we got out, we went to the bed.

The sex was… interesting. I think people tend to think that sex is going to be like porn right off the bat. We weren’t naive, and we knew it would be something to work into. We started with oral sex and foreplay and worked our way up. Plenty of lube later, I was able to ‘get it in,’ but she was tight, and I wasn’t planning on hurting her in the process. We called it quits after a bit when it got painful, finished each other off, and fell asleep cuddling (because let’s be honest, it was a LONG day).

Two days later we left for the honeymoon, and with a couple of days of stretching and such under our belt, we had some awesome sex, several times a day. Then came a terrible UTI that put a damper on that for awhile…

Moral of the story, regardless of when it happens, don’t think that the magical act of intercourse is just going to come easy. It takes time to really get to a point where both parties can physically handle it. Be willing to take it slow and laugh, don’t set goals, and just do what you can to make your partner as comfortable as possible.”

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