35 Straight Men Confess The ‘Gayest’ Thing They’ve Ever Done

24. Listened to a Taylor Swift song.

“I listened to a Taylor Swift song once.

Or probably the time I fucked a guy.”


25. Watched Dirty Dancing by myself.

“I watched Dirty Dancing by myself a week or two ago and enjoyed it. I am a 32-year-old man.”


26. Was rescued from being seduced by a gay man by four hairdressers.

“Working on a cruise ship. We all went out in Barbados (I think) and got back late, absolutely smashed. Had a few beers in the crew bar and went to my cabin where there was a telex from Miami telling me that my niece had been born, so I went back to the crew bar and we all had more drinks to celebrate. Being utterly wasted, my eyes starting going a bit out of focus and one guy, a gay purser, thought I was eyeing him up. I went to bed but was woken up a while later by him climbing into bed with me … he spilled his coffee on my back which, luckily, woke me up. I had a half nude hairy gay man on my back, so I screamed like a girl. I was rescued by 4 female hairdressers who forced the door.”


27. DAMN if that boy wasn’t pretty.

“So I was in a musical. (Check 1) and I was half-naked in the dressing room with pretty much everyone in the cast, both male and female. One of the girls’ boyfriends come win and starts chatting her up. I hadn’t met him before, and I really had a thing for her, so I had to check the competition. So I walk over in my boxer briefs (Check 2) and shake his hand. Now he looks at me and his eyes. Oh my word!! (Check 3) They were the most steely grey I’ve ever seen! He smiled and I was gay for like 5 seconds. Then I saw his girlfriend in her underwear and I was set straight. But DAMN if that boy wasn’t pretty. I had no chance.”


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