35 Straight Men Confess The ‘Gayest’ Thing They’ve Ever Done

17. Dick squats with Marines in a hot tub.

“This happened many many years ago. At a BBQ/party me and my friends aren’t nudity adverse so when the party dwindled down to about 4 or 5 couples we hit the hot tub sans suits. At some point the girls got out to go get more drinks or the group bathroom run not sure, so it’s us dudes alone in the hot tub and the Marines in the tub start going into gross out deployment stories.

One guy gets into how they give each other “the brains”. Which is just pulling your sac out through your pants so it’s a scrunched up and wrinkly looking and having someone turn around into that. One of the other guys in the tub can not wrap his head around this so the marine stands up to demonstrate. Since we were naked in the hot tub warm water the balls are hanging low, in the process to perform this demonstration he retracted his balls. Cue minds blown. A couple of the dudes in the tub couldn’t do this apparently didn’t know it was possible to voluntarily move your balls up and down. So those that can are trying to teach those that can’t how to voluntary retract their balls. And that’s when the girls came back to the hot tub with us standing around the outside of the hot tub, dicks in hand, half squatting, and shouting retract release retract release.


18. Kissed a cat at the same time with another guy.

“Post-college, I’d moved into an apartment with a high school friend of mine in the town we grew up in. We weren’t the most social people, and went a lot of places together, being friends and all. We weren’t bad looking, but I didn’t date around, and he was just shy when it came to girls. So there were already whispers that we were gay.

Anyways, he got a cat on a whim, and one night while watching a movie, him on the couch, me on the recliner next to the couch, it came out from hiding to come hang with us, and while petting it, I leaned in and kissed it as I got up to go get a snack.

Only, I wasn’t the only one who was not only petting the cat, but had also leaned in. By the time we realized what was happening, our eyes had met while simultaneously kissing either side of this cat. All I remember is us both crying laughing at how gay that moment felt.

Now that he’s married, and I’m in a long-term relationship, we don’t have too much of a problem sharing that story, but we both distinctly remember and refer to it as the gayest moment of our lives.”


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