35 Straight Men Confess The ‘Gayest’ Thing They’ve Ever Done

9. ‘Kiss ya later, man.’

“I work in a liquor store, when a customer is paying I usually think up a phrase to say goodbye in advance, etc.

*Old lady – ‘Have a nice day’

*Young guy – ‘See ya, man’

Anyway, this guy in his 30’s with tattoos comes in, I myself have a shaved head large body frame and tattoos. As he’s paying I’m thinking I’ll say ‘catch ya later’ when he finishes paying.

And before I can say it he beats me and says ‘catch ya’ … I really don’t like repeating people and went to switch it to ‘see ya’ but ended up saying ‘kiss ya’ and it sounded very clearly as kiss. Dude stopped before reaching the door and noticed. I tried laughing it off but he looked really uncomfortable.”


10. Met my new roommate and immediately thought ‘holy shit, that is one sexy motherfucker.’

“Just a few hours ago. Met my new roommate and immediately thought ‘holy shit, that is one sexy motherfucker.’”


11. Jerked off together in the same room watching Playboy Channel.

“Me and one of my buddies used to stay up late and watch all the Playboy Channel previews in the early hours of the morning when we were young. It was a good 10 minutes of clips before it went back to the logo and replayed the video.

He’d be in his bed and I’d be in a sleeping bag on the floor. Both whacking it at different sides of the room to these 10-minute previews.

We never spoke of what we were doing. Kind of had an unspoken bond.”


12. Army exam butt-cheek spread.

“In 1965, at the medical examination for the Army, they made us stand in a circle, pull our shorts down, bend over and spread our cheeks. Meantime, the doctor is in the center of the circle checking everyone’s butthole out (for hemorrhoids, I assume). It was funny when one wise guy whispered ‘Fire.’”


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