25 Horrifyingly Brutal And Drawn-Out Deaths That Actually Happened

6. Her lips were cut off, tongue cut out, eyes gouged out, arms and legs amputated, and thrown in a manure-filled pig sty.

Consort Qi

Qi was consort to emperor Gaozu of the Chinese Han dynasty, and she bore him a son. The empress, Liu Zhi, was attempting to push her son to be the emperors heir, though the emperor preferred the son of his consort. This infuriated Liu Zhi.

So she did the logical thing, and had Qi shaved, placed in chains and dressed as a prisoner. She had assassins force poison down Qi’s son’s throat, she cut off her lips, cut out her tongue, gouged out her eyes, and had her arms and legs amputated. Afterward, she threw her in a manure filled pig sty, where she survived for several torturous days, being presented as ‘the human swine.’

Liu Zhi’s son, having become the next emperor, was so disgusted by her cruelty he became a fervent alcoholic basically giving up his duties as regent.”


7. Each one was tortured, individually for an hour, with white-hot tongs, their skin was ripped away, their flesh cooked, their muscles torn, their tongues ripped out.

“Look up Execution of the Munster Anabaptists.

3 men, strapped to a stake so they could feel all the vibrations, and hear and smell what was happening to the others. Each one was tortured, individually for an hour, with white-hot tongs, their skin was ripped away, their flesh cooked, their muscles torn, their tongues ripped out. If they at any point went unconscious, that time was not counted towards their hour. They had to be alive and awake for it all. They were tortured one by one. Imagine being the last of the three, knowing what’s coming for two hours, and then, finally, getting it.”


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