25 Horrifyingly Brutal And Drawn-Out Deaths That Actually Happened

25. Their veins exploded due to space-capsule decompression.

“On the space mission Soyuz 11 in 1971, the three astronauts died of decompression, the capsule that the men were traveling in decompressed causing hemorrhaging of the blood vessels in their brains, also their veins exploded causing bleeding under the skin, inner ears and nose due to the nitrogen and oxygen to rupture blood vessels. When the pod landed the astronauts were all dead and the autopsy showed heavy concentrations of lactic acid (a sign of distress), it was also calculated that the men were potentially conscience for up to a minute meaning that they were aware of their brains literally exploding for 1 minute and still awake for 20s minimum before they blacked out from lack of oxygen.”

JaJaSauce Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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