25 Horrifyingly Brutal And Drawn-Out Deaths That Actually Happened

17. Burned to death inside a uranium furnace.

“Probably this one, I caught it on Unsolved Mysteries when I binged episodes a few years back, the story of David Bocks. Dave Bocks died in 1984, working in a Uranium processing plant (NLO). His death occurred in a uranium furnace, they found out when the furnace temperature dropped by 28 degrees when it was kept at a constant 1300 degrees F. He had apparently fallen into the furnace, which investigators ruled a suicide. Evidently, he was conscious during his time in the radioactive smelting furnace. It took 3 days for it to be cooled off enough for investigators to dig through. His remains were so irradiated they could not even be buried, but rather had to be stored in a special hazardous waste compound.

But what makes this even stranger, is the nature of his death. This would have been extremely painful. No one would want to go out this way. Later that year, in 1984, Fernald (the company) came under public scrutiny for releasing millions of pounds of uranium dust into the atmosphere. The family speculates that Dave Bocks was actually murdered by other employees or company men as they suspected he was the whistleblower who let it known to the public of Fernald’s misdoings. He was killed for telling the truth, lowered into the smelter like Terminator 2 by some corrupt co-workers.”


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