25 Horrifyingly Brutal And Drawn-Out Deaths That Actually Happened

Brutal Torture and Death
Flickr / Dean Hochman
Found on AskReddit.

1. 20,000 times the fatal dose of radiation, 83 days of living hell.

“That dude involved in a nuclear accident who got exposed to a fuckton of radiation and lived, fully conscious, for a few months, Hisashi Ouchi. Literally 83 days with all of his skin melted off, his DNA completely obliterated, his immune system destroyed. He was undoubtedly in excruciating pain throughout all of this. He begged for death but they kept pumping him full of healthy blood, transplanting new skin, and keeping him alive to whatever extent they could. There’s an article here, with extremely disgusting pictures. From day one they knew that this level of radiation poisoning was absolutely unsurvivable, what with it being 20,000 times the fatal dose, but this information was kept from him and his family. It’s a nightmare of Cronenberg proportions.”


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