45 Millennials Describe What Older People Will NEVER Understand About Them

41. We are in no position to ‘demand’ things from our employers like you could.

“Don’t know if someone already said this, but ‘demanding’ things at work. Prime example is my parents: I went for a job interview in December, a job where the salary is set at $47,000 at the federal level. Everyone working that job in the whole country makes the same salary…the interview went well, and I got the offer and was really excited.

Then my dad says, ‘Before you accept the offer, demand that they give you $60,000 or you’ll walk.’ I told him that was ridiculous and I’d lose the position. His response was, ‘There’s plenty of jobs out there and they’re easy to get. You can demand anything and if they want you, they’ll give it to you.’

Newsflash: It isn’t 1976 any more, if I walked in there and said, ‘Give me $60,000 or I walk’ they’ll tell me to walk. I have no power there.”


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