45 Millennials Describe What Older People Will NEVER Understand About Them

40. Home ownership is simply a pipe dream for the vast majority of my generation.

“I’m 31, was born in 1986 so technically that makes me a millennial. One of the most frustrating things for me personally was trying to convey to my parents (both of whom came of age in the 1970s) that the job market they knew was no longer a reality, that the entire paradigm had shifted as I was growing up. My dad, in particular, had a very hard time comprehending this until years later. In his day, it was very easy to walk down the street and find a storefront with a ‘Help Wanted’ sign. A conversation and a handshake later, and you had a job. Those days are LOOOOONG gone. Now, you have to apply online, have a full resume (properly typed and set) for even the most basic clerk job, and in some cases they will actively refuse to talk to you unless you’ve filled out an online application beforehand.

There’s also the cost of living standards, which have skyrocketed over the last twenty years. Home ownership is simply a pipe dream for the vast (and I do mean VAST) majority of my generation. The housing bubble basically destroyed any dreams of home ownership, robbing almost an entire generation a permanent residence in their name.”


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