45 Millennials Describe What Older People Will NEVER Understand About Them

• No, you do not get moved to the floor because you started off in the mailroom. If you are hired as a janitor or as a mailroom clerk, you’re going to stay in the mailroom or in the janitorial apartment. In fact, if you’re hired for the mailroom, chances are it’s not for the company, but for a different company that does the mail.

• Unpaid internships do not put food on the table, a roof over your head, gas in your car, clothes on your back, and most importantly, do not pay those student loans.

• No, iPhones are not as expensive as health insurance. An iPhone will be like $900, tops, newest model and brand new. A trip to the ER because some idiot ran a light and T-boned you will cost well over ten times that. Stop assuming that just because someone has a gadget that they are wealthy—the price of things like cell phones has actually gone way way down over the years because, guess what, there are a lot more of them out.

• Just because you saw some ‘ghetto punk’ with a Samsung Galaxy doesn’t mean he’s secretly wealthy and is just collecting welfare. For all you know, that’s a Samsung Galaxy S3 that he purchased second-hand. That ‘brand new phone’ you just purchased is actually a two-year-old model. Just because you remember when cell phones were expensive as hell does not mean they have remained that way.

• Tuition is not the same as it was in the 70s and 80s. Regardless of inflation.

• People are not ‘dumber’—in fact, if you scored ‘average’ on the I.Q. test in the 70s, you might be considered ‘below average’ or even ‘retarded’ today. The I.Q. test is designed so that 100 is always average. Need I remind you that what passed for entertainment in the early 20th century were Three Stooges banging each other on the head or Bugs Bunny blowing up Elmer Fudd?

• You really do need a car these days if you live in NA. Oh, sure, you lived in Detroit where you could walk down the street for a job—but guess what, we don’t live in New York, we live in Colorado, where you moved because the housing and land were cheap. Guess what. IN case you haven’t noticed, the nearest grocery store was a 10 minute drive away—which means a 20-40 minute bike ride away.

• If you truly walked uphill both ways to school in blizzards and you liked it, then why did your generations change it?

• Participation trophies came from your generations.”


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