45 Millennials Describe What Older People Will NEVER Understand About Them

39. Crime and drug-use amongst minors are actually going DOWN.

“Many things:

• Crime and drug-use amongst minors are actually going DOWN. You’re just hearing it on the news because, again, the news will report on that because it’s a story.

• Inflation is a thing. Just because you remember paying a small amount for something in the 60s-70s does not mean you actually paid that much—adjusted for inflation, that $1 a week allowance you had in 1970 was equal to around $6 today. Your older brother’s $1.60 minimum wage in 1968? Equal to $11.20. And you think people are entitled for wanting $10?! Your minimum wage in 1978 when you first went to college? Equal to $9.90. (Almost $10!) Didn’t you remember reading Laura Ingalls Wilder stuff and chuckling at how $0.50 was a lot of money to the people in the 19th century America?

• College degrees, especially ones in STEM fields, are no longer the golden ticket to employment and job security they once were. Your parents/grandparents didn’t even have a college degree and could get through life alright. Guess what? Where there was once maybe 5-6 other applicants competing for the same spot, now there are as many as 20-40. That’s what your parents/grandparents experienced—that’s why you were pushed into college!

• Even if Trump does follow through on his promises to ‘bring manufacturing jobs back to the states,’ guess what—they will still be competing with people in China and South America who can be hired for $1.73 US dollars a day or less. Will you work for $1.73 USD or less a day? No. Nobody would because guess what—a wage like that does not put food on the table or pay mortgages. That’s not all, either. Who are you also competing with? A machine who doesn’t need to eat, sleep, feed a family, or have days off. Before you blame those ‘dirty rotten no good job-stealing immigrants’ for your job loss, perhaps you should instead look at the person who noted that they can pay fifteen people for half your salary or the machine that can produce the same amount as 15 workers was a better amount than the 15 workers who’ll request paid sick days, maternity leave, and eventually retire.

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