45 Millennials Describe What Older People Will NEVER Understand About Them

36. We’re not lazy, entitled, OR spoiled.

“This is easy:

1) We’re not lazy; you just want to make it look like we are b/c you’re arrogant and you want to feel like you’re better than us all.

2) We’re not entitled either. You just WANT us to be entitled, b/c that way you don’t have to admit that you actually are very selfish and greedy and essentially created country where people can’t really get fair paying jobs anymore b/c the guys at the top are greedy money grubbers who have no common decency or soul and will take as much money as they can get b/c they know that there’s always going to be someone else even more desperate and willing to work for less.

3) We’re not spoiled, you just think we are b/c you like feel like you’re the ‘tough good ole’ boys’ who had it so difficult and who toughed it out and made it all the way thru b/c of how tough you are. And even IF we’re spoiled (which we’re not) it would actually be YOUR fault. You’re the ones who raised US.”


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